Church of St. Mary


First NY Church Dedicated to Mary, Founded in 1826

3.16.25 Bulletin

Second Sunday of Lent

The smoking fire pot and burning torch seal the deal in the first covenant with Abraham. The blinding light that knocks Saul down and lovingly sets him on a new path as missionary to the Gentiles, like the Transfiguration of the Lord, reveals the one who from before and within, calls us his sons and daughters.

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3.9.25 Bulletin

First Sunday of Lent

“Jesus, after 40 days in the desert,
experienced the temptations we all face yet did not fall. Notice that He cites the bible in his encounter with temptation. Wrestling with pleasure, honor, glory, and wealth pursues us all the days of our life. The three-prong strategy of Lent, prayer, fasting and abstinence, plus almsgiving, however, are keys to discipleship in the Lord.

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3.2.25 Bulletin

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks,” reminds me of a guided walk through an obstacle course on a youth retreat. The guide gives verbal instructions to the blindfolded person as the rest of the group together communicate messages that both help and hinder the one who must discern the correct next step.

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1.5.25 Bulletin

Feast of the Epiphany

Epiphany is three celebrations in one! First, it celebrates the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles after his birth by the visitation of the three pagan Magi from the East, also known to us as the three kings, who through the virgin Mary encounter Christ for the first time as an infant. This expression of universality was the Christmas celebration of the Eastern or Greek church introduced into the Latin or Roman Rite in the 6th century.

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12.22.24 Bulletin

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Next August 8th – 10th, 2025, you are welcome to join us on a pilgrimage to Detroit where the now Blessed Solanus Casey is buried. He arrived for the first time at St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit on December 24, 1896, on a snowy Christmas Eve and was shown to a small room containing a bed, a desk, and a chair. He stretched himself out on the bed and fell fast asleep.

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8.18.24 Bulletin

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today the Wisdom of God manifests itself in the community of believers who spent time with Christ Jesus, saw his death, experienced his resurrection and ever since gathered on the resurrection day of the Lord, what we call Sunday, to break the bread, read from the scriptures, and to become the very Lord that they received.

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6.23.24 Bulletin

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We have all known the storms of life: an accident, a chronic illness, a painful separation, an abuse of trust, or a death that tosses us into the dark waters that threaten to overwhelm us. We do have a choice in these situations; we can complain and blame, or we can trust the one who never abandons and calls us through his own life, death, and resurrection to enter the mystery of divine love that suffering breaks open.

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