Church of St. Mary


First NY Church Dedicated to Mary, Founded in 1826

2.6.22 Bulletin

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the Lord stepped aboard Peter’s fishing boat to hold steady before a crowd, to sit and to teach them, Jesus returned the favor by asking Peter to set out and drop nets for a catch. The love of Christ is the power of living in Him. The life of holiness could be felt by St. Peter in the first the pull of the nets. All things work to the good when unfettered from sin and death. Leaving the nets should be the first call of Christian life, specifically for the young to be supported and encouraged to consider religious life.

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1.16.22 Bulletin

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The First Miracle of Jesus is for the happiness of the human family. “You have saved the best wine until last” is the promise that betrothal to Christ in the sacramental life gives: beyond what we could plan or even desire in life, the water of our humanity has turned to wine. Let us be disposed to the Spirit, as Paul instructs us in the second reading, so that we may be ready to play our part.

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1.9.22 Bulletin

The Baptism of the Lord

Baptism of the Lord. In Luke’s Gospel God the Father speaks directly to his Son: “You are my beloved son. With you I am well pleased.” Later, in the Transfiguration the Father speaks from a cloud to his disciple: “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” The love of the Father for the Son, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit swirl around the meaning of baptism: the inner working of the trinitarian godhead. It is the taking flesh, its humility, with which the Father is well pleased. It bodes well for us that we are made to receive and to be filled with God in our humanity.

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